Current issues are the topics that people are currently discussing and the things that they are concerned about. Articles are written about current issues and are usually published in newspapers, magazines, journals etc.
Write about a specific issue:
If you’re writing an article about issues, it needs to be focused and relevant to readers. Some great examples include canned lion hunting, climate change or endangered species. If you’re going to focus on a particular topic, try to find a new angle.
Link the issue to a news peg:
When you’re writing an article about an issue, always link it to something that’s happening right now. This can be a major event, like a war or stock market panic, or it can be a less pressing event, such as the death of a celebrity or the latest controversy on a reality show.
Make sure you’re clear and precise:
If an article isn’t crystal clear, readers will often leave without getting any information they need to decide whether they want to read the rest of it. That’s why it’s important to proofread it thoroughly and be sure that every single word is correct.
Troubleshooting articles:
Similar to how-to articles, troubleshooting articles are written to help customers resolve specific problems they’re experiencing. When a customer is having an issue, they often don’t know how to fix it, so it’s important to have step-by-step instructions available for them. These articles typically address a problem that a customer is having, like email delivery or browser issues, and offer several ways to solve the problem.