News is current and interesting information that is delivered to the public quickly and accurately. News articles usually cover events that occur in the world or a local community and are often reported by journalists who are expected to strive for objectivity, as compared to commentators or analysts who might share their personal points of view on a topic.
When writing a news article it’s important to know your audience. It’s also vital to consider the impact of your story on your readers’ emotions. A news story should begin with an intriguing statement that captures the reader’s attention. In journalism jargon this is called a lede. The lead should answer the who, what, when, where and why questions of the story. Keeping the first paragraph of your news article short is another key to keeping your audience engaged. This is particularly important for online articles that are read above the fold, the area of a page before it gets folded or scrolled down on a website.
It’s also important to balance your hard news with sources of light and levity. A little bit of humor can help to defuse tension and keep your readers’ attention. Finally, make sure you check and double-check for spelling and grammar mistakes. These errors can tarnish the credibility of your article and can turn off readers. Always use a spell-checker and have a trusted colleague proofread your work before publishing.