An issue is a point of controversy or concern, often one with political or economic implications. Some common issues include climate change, poverty, a lack of affordable health care, crime, racial tensions, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and the use of weapons by terrorists. Other common issues are global poverty, food insecurity, and lack of access to clean water.
When writing an issue article, it is important to conduct thorough research to understand all sides of the story. The more you know about the topic, the better equipped you will be to craft a compelling argument that is meaningful to your audience. Choosing reliable sources is also crucial to ensuring that you present accurate and up-to-date information.
In addition to providing valuable background information, a well written issue article will highlight the recommendations you seek to take in relation to your chosen topic. Whether you are advocating for the continuation or termination of current laws or policies, your goal is to inform and persuade readers to act on your behalf.
Unlike radio talk show hosts who frequently spew venomous rants without substantiation, bloggers can inject their opinion in an issue-oriented blog post while remaining professional. However, when writing an issue-oriented blog post, it is important to consider the intended audience of your article and the possible consequences of your stance. A blogger can do this by establishing context for the issue, creating a clear structure, and citing the evidence-base that supports their position.