A news article is an informative piece of writing that reports on events, whether they be local or international. It is often written to inform, but can also be used to entertain or inspire.
The key to a good news article is to provide in-depth coverage of all aspects of the story. This includes the who, what, when, where and why. You can do this by using primary and secondary sources. A primary source is someone involved in the story who can offer first-hand information. For example, a reporter might interview a firefighter about the aftermath of a house fire or ask a vet about the health history of an injured cat. A secondary source is a piece of information gathered from other news stories about the same topic. For instance, a newspaper might quote an expert on the effects of climate change on the weather.
It is important to know your audience when writing news. This is because different audiences have differing interests and a news article should be geared toward them. For example, if you are covering a fire at a residential home, your demographic would be homeowners. However, if you are writing about zoning laws in a commercial area, your demographic might be realtors and business owners.
A good news article will always have a human element to it. This is because people are generally interested in other people’s lives and the events that affect them. For example, a story about a cat getting injured by a car is likely to interest readers because it appeals to their voyeuristic nature. Similarly, a story about famous people may spark interest because it provides a glimpse into their private lives.